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The New .COM

A short strategy activity to collect your input and enable the organization to achieve a persona-centric solution.

(will take 2-5 minutes to complete)
Lubrizol spans multiple business units, each serving a diverse range of audiences with distinct roles, responsibilities, and needs. As we embark on redesigning the .COM, our goal is to gather critical insights from key stakeholders across these units. This ensures we shape a unified "One Lubrizol" digital experience while also respecting the unique requirements of each business unit.
In this exercise, we aim to capture direct feedback on our persona work stream, making sure no business unit's voice is marginalized. We've segmented stakeholders into three core groups—Users, Buyers, and Secondary audiences—each defined by their role within Lubrizol. We've identified 14 specific roles/functions and linked them to job titles that reflect the tasks they need to accomplish.
We will be asking for your input to help us prioritize these 14 roles, ensuring that the most critical voices are addressed first.

Today's exercise:

What is your Name?

What Business Unit do you represent?

Which Roles Resonate with which segment?

Procurement Professional
Product Managers
Executives / Sustainability Officers
Marketing & Sales Teams
Technical Managers
Business Managers
Media / PR Professional
Job Seekers / Talent / Recruits
General Public
Regulatory Bodies / Compliance Authorities
Community Partners / NGOs
Educational Intuitions / Research Partners
Industry Analysts / Thought Leaders